All texts are complex “bundles,” of meaning according to
Bathes, they can also reveal many more meanings. They can be open, closed or
Open texts have “threads to pull,” often the endings are vague,
such as Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises and Inception. The audience are
left unsure on the protagonists’ survival.
Closed texts have one thread to hold, which is clear and
most films tend to opt for a closed text ending. For example “a Cinderella
Story” has a happy ending, like most Hollywood films. However, some parts of
Hollywood are trying to become more indie, like the film “Like Crazy,” which is
can be either labelled as a closed text. On the other hand, it can also be
named a polysemic text because the ending can be read in a number of ways; it
forms several interpretations. Another example of this is “Scarface,” it can be either read as a “rags to riches,”
story, a glorification of violence, a critique of the values in the 1980s,
greed and consumption.
The “threads,” are narrative codes. The enigma code comes
under the narrative codes which is used a a way to attract and maintain the
attention of the audience. A mystery, or a puzzle is created in order for the
audience to attempt to formulate a judgement. Commonly, it is introduced in the
disruption phase of Todrov’s narrative model.
Barthes’ theory can be applied to all music videos. A clear
example of this is Eminem’s Stan video mentioned in my previous post. There is
an ending which is clear to the audience when Stan drives into a river. Him,
and his partner are killed. The audience knows that they are definitely dead by
the camera revealing a scene in a cemetery, followed by a news report.
Vladimir Propps studied folk stories and identified eight
main character roles. This does not limit the amount of characteristics in one
character. In “Big Momma’s House,” Martin Laurence plays a mother figure,
father figure, the donor and protagonist.

The Hero (Protagonist)
The Villain (Antagonist)
The Donor (Provider)
The Helper (Assistant)
The Father Figure (Gives advice and important information)
The Dispatcher (Sends hero on the missions)
The Princess
The False Hero
Star Wars
The Hero - "Luke Skywalker/Han Solo"
The Villain - "Darth Vader"
The Donor - "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
The Helper - "R2D2, C3PO, Chewbacca"
The Father Figure - "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
The Dispatcher - "Princess Leia"
The Princess - "Princess Leia"
The False Hero - "Han Solo"

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