Audience Research
Do you watch music videos?
If so, what type of music videos
do you watch the most?
What is your age?
Does the music video affect
whether you buy the track or not?
How do you tend to watch music
The questions above are the
questions that will help me with my audience research. This will enable me to
identify what type of audience my music video may appeal to. Some tend to
analyse music videos and become critical, whereas some people are not affected
by the music video. However, an exciting, different and intriguing video can
make an audience become interested in an artist. But, already established
artists do not need to stress over an effective music video as their fan base
will most likely buy the track nonetheless. Newer artists tend to concentrate
on making their video exciting or even controversial enough to capture an
audience’s attention. The purpose of a music video is not necessarily to
artistic, but a way of promoting oneself to appeal to a wide audience.

Ways to retreive this infromation
- Survey Monkey
- Filmed interviews
- Questionnaires
- Vox Pop
- Focus Group
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